Ever wonder what sort of cars come out to participate at SCCA Track Night in America Driven by Tire Rack? Wonder if your daily driver would work?
Well, check out the short video SCCA member Eric Heinrich shot a little while ago during a Track Night event at Palmer Motorsports Park in Ware, Massachusetts. Heinrich caught Mazdas, VWs, Kias, Chevrolets, Audis, Porsches and more heading out on Palmer’s twisty, 2.3-mile circuit with 14 turns and gorgeous views.
Does it look like fun? You bet it is! And it’s not too late to join in with the gang for an evening of automotive enjoyment as Track Night in America is just moving into the second half of its 2016 schedule. Track Night in America Driven by Tire Rack is a non-competitive, entertaining, easy and inexpensive way for nearly anyone who loves cars or motorsports to get on a racecourse in their own vehicle during weeknights. All that is required is that participants be at least 18 years old with a valid driver’s license and have access to a helmet and street car in good working condition. The cost is never greater than $150 per event, and no previous on-track experience or Sports Car Club of America membership is required.
Drivers participate in the Advanced, Intermediate or KONI Novice Experience group so on-track activities remain fun for all. Everyone gets three 20-minute sessions on course, as well as feedback from SCCA driver coaches on site. Admission is free for people who just want to stop by and watch the fun, and leisurely circuit parade laps are provided for all Track Night guests.
For more information about SCCA Track Night in America Driven by Tire Rack, visit www.TrackNightinAmerica.com.
Photo: For Track Night in America, nearly any car will do.
Credit: Daniel Cutrer