One of SCCA’s most accessible activities, and one of its most popular, Track Night in America Driven by Tire Rack (TNiA) recently announced its 2023 schedule. From seasoned enthusiasts looking for extra seat time, to those with absolutely no previous on-track experience, TNiA has proven to be an outrageously fantastic place for everyone to have #funwithcars.
At each event, participants classify themselves into one of three groups depending on previous experience. That keeps on-track excitement rolling for everyone and allows people to comfortably explore performance driving within a camp of friends sharing similar skills. But no matter the group – Advanced, Intermediate, or Novice – everyone revels in the party, and shares a wonderful time.
SCCA’s partners – such as Tire Rack, Braille Battery, RaceChick, Hagerty, iRacing, Hawk Performance, and more – keep the entry fee affordable for each event. They also chip in to provide goodies and other benefits for TNiA participants.
For example, starting this year, Hawk Performance has swooped in to sponsor the TNiA Novice Experience. Part of that support will include a $40 off coupon credit that can be used at www.hawkperformance.com to purchase, say, two bottles of Hawk Performance HP600 brake fluid, a DOT 4 formula designed for track activities.
John Butler, Hawk’s Sales & Marketing Manager, explains that Hawk Performance was started in 1990 by a group of racers looking for an answer to a very simple question: “My brakes just faded, and I didn’t like that. So, how can I make that not happen again?
“Thirty-three years later, Hawk Performance is still here to address that very question,” Butler says. “As car enthusiasts begin to experiment with high performance driving, they’ll often find the mechanical limits of their cars much sooner than they may have anticipated. So, Hawk Performance is here to help make sure you’re prepared.”
No Place Better for Novices
Track Night’s Hawk Performance Novice Experience is perfect for those new to being on track, or for those who are unfamiliar with a particular circuit and would like some guidance. Pace laps, drivers’ meetings, and targeted instruction offer Novice Experience participants a great introduction, while also giving those drivers room to enjoy the experience.
“Automotive enthusiasts are always asking how to get involved in motorsports, and Track Night in America is a great entry point to the hobby,” says Justin Barbry, Track Night in America’s Manager. “Novices don’t need to spend much money because the car they have sitting at home can often be used at these events, which means you probably only need a helmet that meets certain standards.
“While some drivers have moved from Track Night in America to other motorsport pursuits, we don’t force people to move ‘up’ the ladder,” Barbry continued. “Our focus is to just make sure Novices have a fun and safe experience on track, and enjoy an adventure that differs from bowling, golfing, or playing videogames.”
To aid first timers, the Hawk Performance Novice Experience is there to assist the moment you enter the paddock. Once you’re checked in, there will be an introduction to the Hawk Performance Novice Experience coach for the event, followed by a quick run-through of dos and don’ts. Then it's on to the Novice paced laps session. After that, the Novice Coach is always available to talk so participants have everything they need for a successful evening.
Be sure to check out the What to Bring and How to Prepare articles at www.tracknightinamerica.com – those tips go a long way toward ensuring your Hawk Performance Novice Experience is a positive one.
Hawk Performance Novice Experience Tip #1: Register Today
In 2023, TNiA will visit more than 30 racetracks spanning border to border, and ocean to ocean. TNiA events are a downright deal at around $170 per event, which includes three 20-minute sessions on course. An SCCA membership isn’t even required, although SCCA members receive a $20 discount every time they enter.
Those new to TNiA may not be aware that these are very popular events – in fact, it’s not unheard of for dates to sell out, sometimes shortly after registration opens. So, those interested in joining the fun should click the button below to find a track near them hosting a TNiA stop – and don’t dally when it comes to signing up. Also note that not all event registrations are open at once, so check back on the first of every month for the next batch of event registrations to open.
Photo by Michael Berchak