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Nathan Gess

Nathan Gess became friends with Brandon W.

Brandon W.
Nathan Gess

Nathan Gess registered for Track Night 2020: Eagles Canyon Raceway - June 6

Track Night 2020: Eagles Canyon Raceway - June 6
Saturday June 06, 2020 at 8:00 AM
Nathan Gess

Nathan Gess registered for Track Night 2019: Pittsburgh - August 14

Track Night 2019: Pittsburgh - August 14
Wednesday August 14, 2019 at 3:00 PM
Nathan Gess

Nathan Gess posted a comment on the event Track Night 2019: Pittsburgh - August 14

Hi Chris,  You will not have an instructor ride along. You will be able to talk to a coach between sessions if you l like. Each of the three run groups is assigned a coach.  You can go as fast as you feel comfortable while......Read more