The Sports Car Club of America loves being able to give folks the chance to drive everyday cars on real race circuits for cheap thanks to SCCA Track Night in America Driven by Tire Rack. And while we are working hard to bring back Track Night for 2016, we also need fun-loving drivers to do their part. Specifically, we need everyone to get through winter with cars in one piece so you can come play with us when the weather warms up.
Old Man Winter has a way of claiming cars thanks to cruddy road conditions resulting from snow and ice. So as a good chunk of the U.S. trudges into winter driving, our chums at Tire Rack have some helpful info when it comes to winter tires.
Take a gander at the “Alternating Winter & Summertime Tires” article contained within the Winter Tire Tech section of Tire Rack’s website. Here, the experts at Tire Rack warn that: “Wintertime travel often increases behind-the-wheel apprehension for drivers living in America's snowbelt. Shorter days and colder temperatures, as well as slush-, snow- and ice-covered roads all conspire to challenge a driver's patience, skills and their tires' traction, adding tension to daily commutes and holiday trips.”
Tire Rack is America’s largest independent tire tester, and the company makes it really easy to outfit your vehicle with new treads. They carry inventory from more than 20 tire brands, have competitive prices, and can get your goodies to you in a day or two. To make life simple, you can have orders shipped directly to one of Tire Rack’s more than 8,000 independent “Recommended Installers” around the country. Then just drop off your car at that installer to get the new treads affixed.
Be safe out there this winter so we can see you in 2016 at SCCA Track Night in America Driven by Tire Rack. Happy Holidays to everybody. Drive well, be well.